Ministry Finder

Ministry Finder

As stewards of the many graces God has given to each of us through our baptism, we are all called to serve God and our neighbors. There are many opportunities at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to respond to that baptismal call whether in the liturgy, teaching, service, or prayer. Please consider making an offering of time to become involved in living out our Christian mission!

Homeschool Coop

A group of Catholic Homeschooling families in the Parish and surrounding area, that provide support for Catholic parents who choose to educate their children at home.

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Hospitality Ministers/ Ushers

Men, women and older youth who welcome and warmly greet to assist parishioners at weekend Masses, take up collections, guide Eucharistic processions and distribute materials as needed. Training required.

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Knight of Columbus 759

What is the foundation of The Knight's of Columbus? CHARITY: Charity is at the heart of our work and our faith - and it always has been. For the Knights of Columbus, charity means supporting a virtually boundless variety of projects.FAITH: Our...

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Knitting For The Needy

A group of parishioners that meet weekly to make soft warm chemo hats for Onocolgy, JPS and Cooks Children's Hospital. We also make fuzzy winter hats and scarves to donate to SEAS outreach.

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