Normal Parish activity resumes Saturday, 1/11/2025 - All masses continue as scheduled..


Our primary expression of worship is the celebration of the Eucharist in the sacred liturgy.  We hope to pray the sacred liturgy in ways that deepen all levels of spiritual wellbeing. The liturgical seasons motivate and inspire our worship. Through our liturgical actions, we desire to create an environment that enhances and strengthens our parishioners’ spiritual needs and heightens the joy of receiving the most Blessed Sacrament. We have Masses throughout the week in English with one Sunday Mass in Spanish.  All liturgical ministry is an integral part of our worship, led by staff and dedicated volunteers who provide training and scheduling for the thousands of parishioners who actively participate at all Masses.

Opportunities for service include the following ministries:

At the Altar

Acolytes/Adult Servers – Men, who assist the celebrant at the altar, take Communion to the homebound and nursing homes.  Training required.
Lectors – Men, women and confirmed older youth who proclaim the Word of God at Masses and other liturgical services.  Training required.
Altar Servers – Parish and School young boys from 10 years of age through high school who reverently assist the celebrant and deacon at the altar during Masses, funerals, weddings, school and other liturgies. Training required.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Men, women and confirmed older youth who offer the Body and Blood of Christ to members during Masses as well as bringing communion to parishioners who reside in nursing homes, assisted living facilities or in their homes and are unable to get to Mass.  Training required.
Hospitality Ministers/ Ushers – Men, women and older youth who welcome and warmly greet to assist parishioners at weekend Masses, take up collections, guide Eucharistic processions and distribute materials as needed.   Training required. 

Behind the Scenes…

Sacristans – Men, women and older youth who prepare the church for weekend Masses, weddings, funerals, and school liturgies.  This includes setting up for Mass, lighting candles and cleaning the sacristy.

Altar Linens – Weekly care and washing of altar and communion linens. Divide by Masses to share the wash load.  Training required.

Server Vestment Care – Bi- Monthly washing and minor repair of the altar server vestments, done in a rotation bases to keep vestments in clean and good repair.   

In Spirituality

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Teams of volunteers who pray before the Blessed Sacrament at scheduled Adoration times on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The commitment is a one-hour time slot once a week.
Prayer Groups – English and Spanish groups that meet weekly to share group prayer, offer prayer intentions for individuals and the community.
Rosary Ministry – English and Spanish teams that serve as rosary leaders before designated weekend Masses, after weekday masses and for funerals.


We recognize that not everyone's faith journey looks the same. So whatever the situation, we're here to assist each family on their unique journey. If you have questions or concerns about the process, just let us know.

Candy Warner

Director of Liturgical Ministries & Marriage Preparation

office: (817) 431-3176