Registration for Teen Confirmation Prep is Open Now!

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is the last sacrament of initiation into the Catholic Church. Preparation is a 6 month program for our students to be equipped to receive the sacrament and live out their faith.

Who can be Confirmed?

Baptized, Catholic Teens who have reached the age of 15, have made their First Communion, are attending Sunday mass, frequenting Confession, and are willing to live out and witness their faith in Jesus Christ. Students must also display a personal desire for the sacrament and growth in their spiritual life throughout the year.

Note: A parent/guardian is required to attend each session. If available, the student's sponsor should attend as well. Students are to prepare for Confirmation at the parish they are regular parishioners at. If you are not a parishioner at SEAS, please contact your parish's confirmation coordinator to join their program.

Dates and Times

Teen Confirmation Preparation will meet on the first Saturdays of each month. There are Fall and Spring sessions to choose from.

Fall: July- December; 10am-12pm in the Parish Activities Center (school Gym)

Spring: January- June; 10am-12pm in the Parish Activities Center (school Gym)

Register for Teen Confirmation

Step 1

Create a Profile and Add your Whole Family 

Family Info Form

  • You only need to do this once, ever! Skip this step if you did this last year.
  • The first person you enter is yourself (the parent)
  • Under "household members" add another adult (spouse/adults living at home) and/or children (12th grade and younger)
  • When adding an adult/spouse, please use their email and mobile phone number. Their information should be unique to them and allow them to register for events in the future.

Step 2

 Sign Up for Confirmation

Confirmation Registration

  • Click register and sign in with the phone number/email associated with yourself (the parent).
  • Choose each family member participating in the program and select their participation type.
  • During registration, most basic information will be auto populated from the form in Step 1. You will still need to answer questions specific to the program.
  • At the end of each registration you will be prompted for the registration fee. Please complete each registration in full before moving on to registering a student(s) for another program.


Parent Packet

Wardrobe for Mass

Schedule Fall/Spring

  • Fall 2024 - 7/6, 8/3, 9/7, 10/5, 11/9, 12/7
  • Spring 2025 - 1/11, 2/1, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3, 6/7

Sponsor Form


When receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, a candidate will choose a sponsor to be an example and mentor in the Christian life:

  • It is appropriate, but not required, that the sponsor be one of the baptismal godparents
  • The sponsor cannot be one of the candidate’s parents.
  • He/She should be in good standing with the Church
  • He/She should be 16 years or older
  • He/She must be fully initiated Sacramentally into the life of the Church (Baptized, Confirmed and received first Communion)

The sponsor form is available in English and Spanish. Please return it as soon as possible. Your sponsor is responsible for filling out the Form, and having their pastor sign off and seal the document. Completed forms can be dropped off, mailed, or turned in at Confirmation sessions.

Sponsor Form EnglishSponsor Form Spanish

Mail any Sponsor forms to:
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
ATTN: Austin Bullard
2016 Willis Ln.
Keller, TX 76248

Confirmation Saint

At Confirmation, a student takes the name of a Saint whose life inspires them to a further commitment to Jesus Christ. Not only an inspiration in story and virtue, but a student looks for a Saint who they aspire to be like in regards to their masculinity or femininity. Because of this, students are asked by the Bishop to pick saints of the same sex as the student.

*The name a student takes should not be in honor of a grandparent or relative. While it is honorable to pick someone close to you, the Church has held it must be a Saint.

When you have chosen your saint, please fill out the Confirmation Saint form. Link found below.



We recognize that not everyone's faith journey looks the same. So whatever the situation, we're here to assist each family on their unique journey. If you have questions or concerns about the process, just let us know.

Xochitl Blanco

Religious Education/Hispanic Assistance

office: (817) 623-2409 ext. 503