SEAS Nursery

**Temporarily Closed due to emergency Repairs**

To allow parents to focus and participate more fully in the Mass, we provide an onsite safe and caring environment for little ones ranging in age from 1 year (or walking) through age 4 at the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses on Sundays, and the 9:00 Mass on Wednesday mornings during the school year. Children ages 5 and older attend Mass with their parents under most circumstances.




To allow parents to focus and participate more fully in the Mass, we provide an onsite safe and caring environment for little ones ranging in age from 1 year (or walking) through age 4 at the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses on Sundays, and the 9:00 Mass on Wednesday mornings during the school year. Children ages 5 and older attend Mass with their parents under most circumstances.

The SEAS nursery is located in the Parish Hall (the brick building located right next to the church). A doorbell is located by the doors that face Willis Lane. Ring the bell and a nursery staff member will come to greet you and assist you in checking your child in.

We use a digital check in system in our nursery. Please download the Church Center app from Planning Center and complete your family’s profile to help us check your child in quickly each week. Be sure to include your child’s date of birth and any medical information (food allergies, etc.) that nursery staff needs to know when you complete their profile. As a safety measure, you will receive a security label at check in to match to your child’s name label. The security label must be presented at check out time.

  • Extra diapers/training pants/underwear, wipes, and a complete change of clothing for those “oops” times. All children in the nursery must be wearing a diaper, training pants, or underwear to help us maintain cleanliness standards.
  • Please have everything together in one bag clearly labeled with your child’s name. Be sure all jackets, sweaters, etc. are also labeled.
  • Label all plastic bottles/water bottles/sippy cups. If your child needs formula, please have it either already prepared or measured and ready to mix when needed.
  • If you wish for your child to have a snack, be sure to include that in their bag.
  • Be sure that nursery attendants are aware if your child has any food allergies – include specifics in the “medical information” area of your child’s profile in the Church Center app.

For the protection of all children and adults, do not bring your children to the nursery if they exhibit any of the following:

  • Fever of 99.6 or above, either currently or within the last 24 hours. Their temperature must be normal for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea within last 24 hours.
  • They have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or any contagious disease (for example, strep throat, chicken pox, etc.) within the past week
  • Anyone is your household is required to quarantine at home for potential exposure to COVID-19
  • Common cold, from onset through one week
  • Sore throat or ear infection (should be off medication)
  • Any discharge from nose that is not clear
  • Any cough not related to seasonal allergies (do not bring a child with a cough that produces phlegm)
  • Any skin infection or unexplained rash
  • Any discharge from the eyes (pink eye or eye infection)
  • Head lice
  • Unusual fatigue or irritability

If children develop any of these symptoms while in our care, we will contact you to come pick them up immediately.

Please note: Nursery staff cannot dispense any medication.

Ellie Krolick

Secretary-Religious Education/ Nursery Supervisor

office: (817) 623-2409 Ext. 508