Outreach Ministry

The Outreach Ministry mission is twofold: to help those in our community who need of assistance and to encourage and engage every SEAS parishioner to serve to our parish and community through hands-on volunteer efforts.


If you, or someone you know, is in need of assistance, we’re here to help. The Outreach office hours are:
Monday - Friday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm 

We see clients, Monday - Thursday from 10:00 AM 3:00 PM. Please call 817-623-2424, email  , or complete the form below, if you would like to make an appointment.

We do NOT allow walk ins. The zip codes that we can provide financial assistance for include: 76092, 76137, 76148, 76177, 76180, 76244, 76117, 76182, and 76248. 

I Need Help

Assistance Form



( )   -

Do you prefer to be contacted via email or phone? (checkbox for phone, email)

Please check the type of assistance needed*

Have you ever received help from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton?*

Thank you for submitting your application.  A representative from the Outreach Office will contact you within 1-2 business days to schedule an appointment.  An interview will be required before any financial assistance is offered; you will need to complete additional paperwork at that time.  Please note that our office has a limited budget and will likely not be able to assist with rent, however we are happy to offer you alternative resources/referrals.  At this time, we are most able to assist with utility or other similar cost items, but no guarantees can be made until a representative has interviewed you.


Baby Closet

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Outreach has partnered with Catholic Charities Gabriel Project to create the SEAS Baby Closet. The closet is a resource for mothers in crisis pregnancies. We provide both supplies for mothers and for their babies/other children. Some of the items we offer include clothes up to size 5T, toiletries, diapers, wipes, and other more.

We are continuously accepting donations of all kinds to stock our shelves. Currently, our greatest needs include:

  • Baby shampoo and lotion
  • Toiletries for moms
  • Diaper Cream
  • Wipes
  • New Pacifiers
  • Winter Clothing for Boys
  • Winter Clothing for Girls 

We take most items used, with the exceptions being used mattresses, car seats, breast pump tubing, bottles, and pacifiers. We do ask that all used items are in very good condition, with no stains, tears, or heavy wearing. We also do not accept large furniture donations due to storage space constraints. If you want to donate your time instead, we are always in need of volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Allison Payne at


Outreach Ministries

Seasonal Projects

SEAS Harvest 2 Holiday Food Drive, Christmas Angel Tree Project, Dignity Closet drives, Summer time service events, SEAS Baby Closet Shower, and other special projects as may arise within our parish and community throughout the year. For current volunteer opportunities or to donate, contact the SEAS Outreach Office at 817-623-2424.

Dignity Closet

Volunteer opportunities exist within the Outreach Ministry to compile dignity bags for various needs. Items may include:
Feminine hygiene products (Including Kotex, Depends, pads, etc.), Men's hygiene products (Depends, etc), Toilet paper, Toothbrushes, Laundry soap, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Conditioner, Dish soap, Bar soap, Combs and brushes, Dishwasher tabs, Razors, Socks - Men, Women and Children, Underwear - Men, Women and Children

Financial Peace University

FPU is a nine-lesson course taught by Dave Ramsey and his team of financial experts. With FPU, our members will learn step by step how to handle money using biblical wisdom and common sense. Every parishioner has access to a one year membership for a discounted rate. To get more information, please contact Doug Lavely at  

Stephen Ministry

The Stephen Ministry is a national program that trains people to provide one-on-one, Christ-centered counseling and prayer in times of crisis or distress. Stephen Ministers go through an extensive training process that gives them the skills they need to lend an empathetic ear to people dealing with troubling life issues. Contact Abbie Risteen at (817) 706-5281 for more information. Click Here to visit the Stephen Ministry Website to learn more about one-on-one Christian care.

Grief Ministry

If you have experienced the death loss of a loved one, we invite you to attend a grief support group at the Outreach Center, 1905 Whitley Road, Keller. The SEAS Grief Ministry is opportunity for you to express your grief in a supporting environment where the grief process is guided and explained. Trained facilitators will assist the group as you travel through this difficult period.

Catholic Charities

We offer referrals for Catholic Charities programs. We specifically offer referrals for their Working Family Services program. This program is designed to help clients achieve financial freedom. We have a CCFW Navigator present in our office, that focuses solely SEAS clients. Reach out to our office for more information. 


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton offers affordable professional counseling services to our parishioners and to our surrounding community. Working with health insurances, reduced fee schedules and Outreach assistance may be available to those who do not have insurance. Those seeking counseling should contact our Counselor directly.

Elizabeth Merrick LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker)

Mary's Angels

Mary’s Angels is an outreach to those who find themselves in the bereavement process following the loss of a baby through miscarriage or stillborn birth. Contact Betsy Black at   or (469) 570-2594 for more information visit https://www.marysangels.net/

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa


Our ministry is only possible because of our wonderful volunteers. If you feel called to serve in any capacity, please contact the Outreach Office at 817-623-2424, email , or fill out the Volunteer Interest form linked down below.
All volunteers must be Safe Environment trained.

Volunteer Interest FormVolunteer OpportunitiesSafe Environment Information


We provide food boxes, baby items, toiletry items, snack packs, and other ministries by generous donations from our friends and parishioners. To donate, please drop items in the Black Bins in the Narthex of the Church or at our Outreach Office.
To donate financially, click Here

You can also utilize our Amazon Wishlist, to send donations directly to the church.
Shop our wishlists here:

Baby Closet WishlistSnack Packing Wishlist


We recognize that not everyone's faith journey looks the same. So whatever the situation, we're here to assist each family on their unique journey. If you have questions or concerns about the process, just let us know.

Emma Adam

Director of SEAS Outreach

office: (817) 623-2413