Schoenstatt NTX Couples Spanish
Quinceañeras, Grupo de Ultreya (Díocesis), y Grupo de Schoenstatt. Miguel Chaidez ( )
As stewards of the many graces God has given to each of us through our baptism, we are all called to serve God and our neighbors. There are many opportunities at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to respond to that baptismal call whether in the liturgy, teaching, service, or prayer. Please consider making an offering of time to become involved in living out our Christian mission!
Quinceañeras, Grupo de Ultreya (Díocesis), y Grupo de Schoenstatt. Miguel Chaidez ( )
Strives to offer spiritual direction and strengthening of families to enable them to more fully live our Catholic Faith and be of practical Service in God’s Kingdom on Earth. Mariana Hill ( )
SEAS Thanksgiving Food Drive, Winter Coat Drive, Christmas Angel Trees, Dignity Closet drives, Summer time service, and other special projects as may arise within our parish and community. Each Christmas the parish decorates a tree with angels on...
Spreading the word of God one neighborhood at a time!
Bi- Monthly washing and minor repair of the altar server vestments, done in a rotation bases to keep vestments in clean and good repair.
Seton Moms is a ministry for all moms. We support each other in our vocation as mothers through friendship, faith, charity, and prayer.