K - 6 Catechesis Team
Volunteer teachers (Catechists) and aides, provide religious education to the children of our Parish in a weekly classroom setting. More Information
As stewards of the many graces God has given to each of us through our baptism, we are all called to serve God and our neighbors. There are many opportunities at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to respond to that baptismal call whether in the liturgy, teaching, service, or prayer. Please consider making an offering of time to become involved in living out our Christian mission!
Volunteer teachers (Catechists) and aides, provide religious education to the children of our Parish in a weekly classroom setting. More Information
What is the foundation of The Knight's of Columbus? CHARITY: Charity is at the heart of our work and our faith - and it always has been. For the Knights of Columbus, charity means supporting a virtually boundless variety of projects.FAITH: Our...
A woman's service/social group that has been a part of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for over 25 years. All women of the parish are members of the Guild and are welcome at all our activities. Their activities consist of things like playing Bunco...
Men, women and confirmed older youth who proclaim the Word of God at Masses and other liturgical services. Training required.
About M.A.P.S. Men's Adoration, Prayer, and Service is a morning group, meeting on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, for all men at the parish! The mission of this group is to Lead men to encounter Christ in Adoration. Form...
Mary’s Angels is an outreach to those who find themselves in the bereavement process following the loss of a baby through miscarriage or stillborn birth.
Like St. Monica, we pray for our children to return to the practice of their Catholic Faith, and for our children to always stay close to their faith. We are now forming a group of mothers, young and old, who believe in the mother's power of...
By our Baptism we are called to be Missionaries through prayer and action. It is the mission of the council to raise the awareness at SEAS of the vitally needed support to the Honduras sister parishes by calling for prayer intentions and...