Weather Closure: Evening Classes Canceled for Wednesday, 2/18

First Communion


At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, we are committed to giving parents, the first educators in the faith, the tools to help them raise their children in the faith.

We equip our families preparing for the sacraments through Faith Formation for the children and a course on the Eucharist for parents, called “The Bread of Life”. Parents receive two wonderful books, accessible theology, and practical suggestions for cultivating a love for Reconciliation & Eucharist at home.


Please follow all steps in order.

Step 1. Create a Profile and Add your Whole Family 

Create Family Profile

  • We are using a new system called Church Center, and we first need your household information
  • Enter information about yourself first
  • Under "household members" add your spouse and your children

Step 2. Sign Up for Elementary RE


  • Students must be in grades 2 or 3 and enrolled in Religious Education as well as First Communion prep.
  • If your student is in grade 4-12, do not do step three.
  • Click register and sign in with the phone number/email associated with yourself (the parent)
  • Then choose each family member participating in the program and select their participation type.
  • During registration, most basic information will be auto populated from the form in Step 1. You will still need to answer questions specific to the program.
  • At the end of each registration you will be prompted for the registration fee. Please complete each registration in full before moving on to registering a student(s) for another program

Step 3. Sign Up for First Communion

First Communion Registration

  • This will let us know that your child intends to prepare for first Holy Communion
  • You will see information for the Bread of Life courses--courses for parents to help form their children for Holy Communion
  • First Communion Prep is for children between the ages of 7 to 9 (approx. 2nd and 3rd grade). Children must be at least 7 by September 1st, 2024 If your child turns 10 before May 1st, 2025 you must enroll them for RCIA adapted for Children.


My child is in 2nd or 3rd grade. How do I get started with their preparation for the sacraments?

Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Registration is now open. Register at the top of this page.

Here at SEAS, we offer two sessions a school year of “The Bread of Life” First Communion preparation. This program is for 2nd and 3rd grade students.

You may register for the Fall (Oct-Nov) session if your child will be age 7 by December 31, 2022.

You may register for the Spring (Feb-March) session if your child will be age 7 by April 30, 2023.


In order to register for our First Communion Preparation, your child must be receiving formation in one of the following three ways: 

  1. Be enrolled in our weekly Religious Education classes if in public school* 
  2. Be attending Catholic School
  3. Be home schooled full time using a Catholic curriculum approved by the Diocese of Fort Worth.
    • If enrolled in RE, your child needs to attend consistently. After five absences from class, your child will be moved to the next First Communion preparation session.

What is the “Bread of Life” course?

This wonderful study of the Eucharist is aimed at increasing our own adult understanding of and love for Our Lord in the Eucharist, so that we may then bring that knowledge and fervor home to our children in order to teach them to treasure this Greatest Gift.

In addition, it provides fellowship with other parents in the parish who are also preparing their children. In addition to the Bread of Life course, we will provide you with books to use with your child at home to prepare him for each of the sacraments.

It consists of 3 classes (with one "rain date") offered every other week on a Saturday morning. The child does not attend any class outside of their regular RE or Catholic school classes; the parents prepare him/her for the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist at home, using books that we provide, the knowledge gained from the Bread of Life classes, and the formation their child is receiving in their own religion classes.

The nursery will be available for your children during each Bread of Life class.

What are the important dates for Bread of Life classes, Assessments, Rehearsal and Mass?


All Children preparing for First Communion also need to register for Elementary Religious Education.

Fall First Communion (Students who were in RE the previous year with good attendance)
Mandatory parent meeting: (these two meetings are alike, please chose one)
Thursday, September 26th at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm, PCC Auditorium or 
Monday, September 30th, at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm, PCC Auditorium

Bread of Life Classes - Saturday at the PCC
October 26th at 10:00am - 12:00pm
November 9th at 10:00am - 12:00pm
November 23rd at 10:00am - 12:00pm
December 7th at 10:00am - 12:00pm (Reconciliation class for Parents and Children)

Assessments: Saturday, December 14th, 9:00am - 12:00pm (Sign up Genius)

First Communion: Rehearsal: Friday, January 24th, 6:30pm

Mass: Saturday, January 25th at 9:00am / Spanish: Sunday, January 26th at 1:00pm


Spring First Communion (Students who were not in RE the previous year)
Mandatory Parent Meetings: Thursday, January 30th at 7:00pm - 8:30pm or
Monday, February 3rd at 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the PCC

Bread of Life Classes - Saturday at PCC
February 8th at 10:00am - 12:00pm
February 22nd at 10:00am - 12:00pm
March 8th at 10:00am - 12:00pm
March 29th at 10:00am - 12:00pm (Reconciliation class for Parents and children)

Assessments: Saturday, April 12th, 9:00am - 12:00pm (Sign up Genius)

First Communions: Rehearsal: Friday, May 16th, 6:30 pm for the May 17th and 18th masses; or June 6th at 6:30 pm for the June 7th mass

Mass: Saturday, May 17th at 9:00 am / Spanish: Sunday, May 18th at 1:00 pm / Saturday, June 7th at 9:00 am

What does the First Communion assessment involve?

As the primary educator of your child, it will be up to you to determine when your child is ready to be brought in for an assessment of his or her readiness to receive First Communion. It is suggested that, when the Bread of Life course has concluded, and you and your child have read and studied the books you received at the parent meeting, you come on the scheduled group assessment day (see date above).

If you feel your child is not ready, you may call the office of Elementary Religious Education after that date to schedule an appointment. SEAS school 2nd grade students in the Fall session will be assessed by their own teacher in school.

The Bread of Life course provides a comprehensive preparation for this assessment, even giving you questions to bring home and discuss with your child, and helping you relate what you are learning to the books you are using with your child at home. You will be given a study guide at the last Bread of Life class.

My child is in 4th-12th grade. How do I get started with their preparation for the sacraments?

Older children (grades 4-12) who have not yet received First Holy Communion will be enrolled in a program designed especially for them called Young Disciples.

To register, follow the registration steps outlined at the top of the page, but make sure you select 'GRADES 4-12 REGISTRATION'

I am an adult, but never made my First Communion. What do I do?

Catholic adults who have not yet received First Holy Communion receive special attention in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) which takes the time to fully immerse them in the rites and mysteries of the faith to prepare them for the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

Click link below to learn more about our RCIA program and to register:

What do I do if I have to miss a Bread of Life class?

Sometimes it’s just not possible for one of the parents to attend a class. In that case, you can download the Parent Handout for the lessons covered in that class, as well as listen to an audio recording of the class. This of course is not ideal- the audio is not of the highest quality (we’re working on getting good quality videos!), and you’re not there to ask questions in person. But it is better than missing the class altogether. Here are links to the audio class recordings, and to the Parent Handouts. Note: The audio recordings are in a different order than the Parent Handouts. Please use the Parent Handouts (below) as your guide, as those are in the correct order. Please ask the catechist which lessons were covered in the class you missed.

Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: How to Make a Good Confession
Lesson 3: Holy Sacrifice- Salvation History 
Salvation History booklet
Lesson 4: John 6 (The Bread of Life Discourse)
Lesson 5: The Sacrifice of the Mass
Lesson 6: The Presence of Christ
Lesson 7: Transubstantiation
Lesson 8: Worthy Reception (and Review) 

Is my child ready to begin preparing for Reconciliation and Eucharist?

Children are ready to prepare for Reconciliation when:

  • They have some understanding of the difference between right and wrong, morally good and bad.
  • They are learning to know the difference between sins and accidents or mistakes.
  • They are capable of apologizing.
  • They are beginning to know God as a loving Father who forgives us.

Children are ready to prepare for Eucharist when:

  • They can (for the most part) pay attention at Sunday Mass.
  • They have some appreciation that God works through miracles.
  • They show curiosity about the Eucharist.
  • They can follow directions on how to (physically) partake in the Eucharist (without playing or disturbing others during the sacrament at Mass).

Remember: every child is different. While the Church typically believes children are ready around the age of seven, we recognize that some children are ready before that and others afterwards. Please contact us if you have any questions about your child’s readiness to begin preparing.

How will I know if my child is ready to receive his or her First Communion?

The norms for a child to receive are:

  • Your child demonstrates a desire to partake in the sacrament of the Eucharist.
  • Your child demonstrates age-appropriate understanding of the Blessed Sacrament.
  • The family attends Mass (Sunday liturgy) weekly.
  • Your child has made a good confession.
  • Your child knows how to receive communion.
  • Your child is at least 7 years old. 


We recognize that not everyone's faith journey looks the same. So whatever the situation, we're here to assist each family on their unique journey. If you have questions or concerns about the process, just let us know.

Cecilia Leon

Coordinator of Elementary Religious Education & Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

office: (817) 623-2409 Ext. 506

Dawn Johnston

Secretary - Religious Education

office: (817) 623-2409 ext. 500