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Baby Closet


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Outreach has partnered with Catholic Charities Gabriel Project to create the SEAS Baby Closet. The closet is a resource for mothers in crisis pregnancies. We provide both supplies for mothers and for their babies/other children. Some of the items we offer include clothes up to size 5T, toiletries, diapers, wipes, blankets, and other supplies. If you or someone you know needs help, please contact SEAS Outreach at 817-623-2424 or .

We are continuously accepting donations of all kinds to stock our shelves. Currently, our greatest needs include:

  • Pull ups
  • Baby shampoo and lotion
  • Toiletries for moms
  • New Pacifiers
  • Diaper bags


We take most items used, with the exceptions being used mattresses, car seats, breast pump tubing, bottles, and pacifiers. We do ask that all used items are in very good condition, with no stains, tears, or heavy wearing. We also do not accept large furniture donations due to storage space constraints. If you want to donate your time instead, we are always in need of volunteers to sort and organize new donations.

Van Ponzica ( )

Baby Closet

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