Acolytes, Instituted
Acolytes aid the deacon and ministers to the priest. Attends to the service of the altar and assists the deacon and the priest in liturgical celebrations, especially in the celebration of the Mass.
As stewards of the many graces God has given to each of us through our baptism, we are all called to serve God and our neighbors. There are many opportunities at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to respond to that baptismal call whether in the liturgy, teaching, service, or prayer. Please consider making an offering of time to become involved in living out our Christian mission!
Acolytes aid the deacon and ministers to the priest. Attends to the service of the altar and assists the deacon and the priest in liturgical celebrations, especially in the celebration of the Mass.
Teams of volunteers who pray before the Blessed Sacrament at scheduled Adoration times on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The commitment is a one-hour time slot once a week.
Adult Faith Formation opportunities for adult Baptized Catholics to receive the Sacrament fo Confirmation.
Men, who assist the celebrant at the altar, take Communion to the homebound and nursing homes. Training required. Brian Squibbs ( )
Where all women of the Parish unite in prayer, fellowship, and community
Weekly care and washing of altar and communion linens. Divide by Masses to share the wash load. Training required.
Parish and School young boys from 10 years of age through high school who reverently assist the celebrant and deacon at the altar during Masses, funerals, weddings, school and other liturgies. Training required. To be an altar server is a...
Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women that embraces Christian values and encourages family...
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Outreach has partnered with Catholic Charities Gabriel Project to create the SEAS Baby Closet. The closet is a resource for mothers in crisis pregnancies. We provide both supplies for mothers and for their babies/other...