Mission Council


By our Baptism we are called to be Missionaries through prayer and action.

It is the mission of the council to raise the awareness at SEAS of the vitally needed support to the Honduras sister parishes by calling for prayer intentions and various fund-raising activities throughout the year.
We seek to continue the support to our three sister parishes of Manto, Guarizima, and Salama, located in the Diocese of Juticalpa, Olancho, Honduras initiated with the approval of St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton parish and the Diocese of Fort Worth in 2001.

At the present our support provides funding for school supplies, clothing and book bags for the poorest children to attend local secular schools in their area. The funds are apportioned asscholarships distributed by the pastors of each parish.
In addition to the secular scholarships, we provide financial support for Catechesis training and classroom materials for adult leaders and children in each parish. Each parish has children that walk into the parish from remote areas to receive religious education. We also fund meals for these children through the Milk Money for Manto drive at our SEAS school and through the religious education classes.

We also provide limited funding for the repair of the parish churches once the obligations for scholarships and meals are met.

Following the model of the Fort Worth Diocese Educate The Children (ETC) program the  Mission Council endeavors to expand and increase the support to the existing programs beyond St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton parish with the goal of generating sufficient funds to provide for the establishment of a Catholic secondary school within the area of the three sister parishes. This goal was approved by the parish and the Diocese in 2018.


Current SEAS MC Membership: Oscar Vera - Lead ( )

Oscar Vasquez

Gen Freix

Ana Cuellar

Kirstin Wayborn

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