Our internet and server are currently down, which may affect our ability to respond to phone calls, emails, livestream, and process any online requests. We apologize for any inconveniences

Teen Leader Safe Environment Class-ages 14-17

If you would like to volunteer in any capacity for the Parish you will need to complete a Safe Environment class.  If you have never taken a class before you need the initial class, which is good for 2 years.  There are also some forms to

To RSVP for the initial or renewal class, go to www.seascc.org and click on GET INVOLVED, SAFE ENVIRONMENT and REGISTER FOR A CLASS or click here!

Any questions contact Suzanne at slynch@seascc.org or 817-623-2430

complete.  Please email slynch@seascc.org for more information.

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Saturday, August 23, 2025


1:00pm - 2:30pm
