Weather Closure: Evening Classes Canceled for Wednesday, 2/18





Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time │February 23, 2025


VII Domingo Ordinario | 23 de febrero 2025






The Mixed Choir is an ensemble composed of men and women. The choir is mainly divided into 4 voice parts - Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass. The Mixed Choir sings in SATB (Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass) and SAB (Soprano/Alto/Bass or all men) format. Hymns are from the 2024 Source & Summit Missal and repertoire includes pieces from the Renaissance to the Modern period and the singing of Gregorian Chant and antiphonal psalmody. Rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. This choir serves at the 9am and 11am Masses on Sundays with a brief warm-up from 8:20am to 8:50am for the 9am Mass. There is no warm-up before the 11am Mass.

The Mixed Choir forms a part of the SEAS Choir which divides itself amongst 2 Masses. For specific Feasts and Solemnities the SEAS Choir comes together and sings for the 11am Mass and 1pm Mass on Sunday or 7pm Mass during the week. The SEAS Choir consists of approximately 60 voices. 

No experience is needed to join the Mixed Choir. You must be 17yrs or older to join. Please contact the Director of Music for more information.

Coro Hispano

 El Coro Hispano es un grupo coral compuesto de hombres y mujeres que sirven en la Misa de 1pm en español los domingos. Este grupo es dividido en 4 partes vocales Soprano, Contralto, Tenor, y Barítono. Por el momento, solo se canta del libro de Flor y Canto, 3.a edición y el Misal Canta La Misa. El Coro Hispano se dedica a cantar música sacra; el canto gregoriano, cantos eucarísticos y marianos. Ensayos son los martes en la tarde de 6:00pm a 8:00pm. Este coro se dedica a cantar en la Misa de 1:00pm los domingos con calentamiento de voz de 12:20pm a 12:50pm.

El Coro Hispano forma parte del Coro SEAS (SEAS Choir) que se divide para cantar 2 misas los domingos. Para fiestas y solemnidades específicas, el Coro SEAS se reúne y canta para la Misa de 11am y la Misa de 1pm el domingo o la Misa de 7pm durante la semana. El Coro SEAS consta de aproximadamente 60 voces.

No se requiere experiencia para unirse al Coro Hispano. Está disponible para individuos mayor de 17 años y familias. Por favor de contactar a la Directora de Música para más información.

Cherubim & Seraphim Choirs

The Cherubim Choir is for children in grades K-2. The Cherubs sing for the 9am Mass on Thanksgiving, 4pm Mass on Christmas Eve, and the 11am Mass on Easter Sunday. The Cherubim Choir rehearses Saturday mornings from 10:30am - 11:00am in the Parish Hall. 

The Seraphim Choir is for children in grades 3-6. The Seraphs sing for the 9am Mass on Thanksgiving, 11am Mass on Gaudete Sunday, 4pm Mass on Christmas Eve, 11am Mass on Palm Sunday, 11am Mass on Easter Sunday and First Communion Masses during the year. The Seraphim Choir rehearses Saturday mornings from 11:15am to 12:00pm in the Parish Hall.

No experience is required to join the Cherubim or Seraphim Choir. Please contact the Director of Music for more information.


We recognize that not everyone's faith journey looks the same. So whatever the situation, we're here to assist each family on their unique journey. If you have questions or concerns about the process, just let us know.