Walking with Christ

Confirmation is the Completion of the Sacrament of Baptism. Your Baptism marked the start of your sacramental relationship with Jesus Christ. Your soul changed permanently as it was cleansed with grace from God. Through Confirmation, the Holy Spirit strengthens these graces and gives you more of them.  This brings you closer to Christ and better prepares you to face the challenges of daily Christian life.

Confirmation is ancient and established by Christ Himself.  In Acts 19, Paul the Apostle lays his hands (just like the bishop does during Confirmation today) on a group of believers and the Holy Spirit descends upon them. When we are confirmed, we are sharing in an ancient and rich tradition that millions of Catholics have participated in throughout history.

Registration Now Open!

Step 1. Create a Profile and Add Your Whole Family 

Create a Profile

  • The first person you enter is yourself (the parent)
  • Under "household members" You'll be able to then add another adult (spouse/adults living at home) and/or children (12th grade and younger)
  • When adding an adult/spouse, please use their email and mobile phone number. Their information should be unique to them and allow them to register for events in the future.

Step 2. Sign Up

       Register Here      

  • Make your selection from the choices above.
  • During registration, some contact information will be auto populated from the form in Step 1. You will still need to answer questions specific to the program.

The Journey

Preparation for Discipleship

Through the Sacrament of Confirmation we receive a strengthening of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, piety, counsel, and fear of the Lord.  These gifts are invaluable in your life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. We welcome spouses to come and show their support for husbands or wives. Sponsors are especially encouraged to join the weekly sessions.

 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church offers sacramental preparation for adults seeking Confirmation through our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) process.

RCIA Schedule 2024-2025

7 September 2024 – 1 June 2025

The Rite of Confirmation

The Holy Spirit Descends

The heart of the Confirmation rite is the laying on of hands by the bishop or parish pastor and the anointing with sacred chrism oil.

Chrism oil, the perfumed oil that bishops (and at times priests) use to make the sign of the cross on our foreheads when we are confirmed, signifies a connection to our Baptism – the first time we were anointed with oil.   Chrism also signifies healing and cleansing.

We adopt the name of a biblical figure or saint whom we find inspiring at our Confirmation. This shows our intention to copy their dedication to God, their holiness, their charity.  Our Confirmation name reminds us that we have a heavenly friend who will pray and intercede for us on our Christian journey.


Walking with You

Your sponsor plays a pivotal role in your spiritual journey toward Confirmation. You are strongly encouraged to choose a sponsor who is well suited to the role and highly involved with the preparation process. Here are some helpful guidelines to remember as you choose your sponsor.

What is the role of the Confirmation sponsor?

A sponsor essentially accompanies you on the journey. The sponsor prays for you, guides you, answers questions when possible and supports your desire to receive the sacrament.

What must a Confirmation sponsor be?

The important role of your sponsor means he or she must be a practicing Catholic who is fully initiated into the faith (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist), who attend Mass regularly and is able to receive the Eucharist, who is somewhat knowledgeable about the faith, and who is a good role model in living out the faith. Although it is not absolutely necessary, it is very helpful if your sponsor lives nearby so that he or she can frequently meet up with you and attend sessions whenever possible.

Must a sponsor be married in the Catholic Church?

If your sponsor is married, he or she must be in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church. If your sponsor married civilly or in another faith tradition, he or she is not currently eligible to serve as a sponsor until the marriage is recognized in the Catholic Church.


We recognize that not everyone's faith journey looks the same. So whatever the situation, we're here to assist each family on their unique journey. If you have questions or concerns about the process, just let us know.

Ellie Krolick

Secretary-Religious Education/ Nursery Supervisor

office: (817) 623-2409 Ext. 508