Weather Closure: Evening Classes Canceled for Wednesday, 2/18

Young Adults

Grow, thrive, and live in community

Welcome to SEAS Young Adults (Ages 18-35)!

We are a Catholic community of young adults at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish seeking to grow in faith, fellowship, and formation. We want to provide you with opportunities to encounter Jesus, make authentic friendships, and be formed as missionary disciples. You are most welcome here! 


Holy Grounds

Join us every Thursday evening from 7 PM - 9 PM for a night of social fellowship & small group bible study! All are welcome to attend at anytime.
We meet in the PCC Cafeteria on SEAS campus.


Looking for upcoming events happening in the Young Adult community?

Find all of them here!


Past Event Photos

Check out some of the fun events we have had in the past and stay tuned for more upcoming events!

Check Our Our Past Events